These ribbis pictures are almost the same, but not quite. Can you find the differences?
Play nowYour mission is to rescue stolen Sifrei Torah from different time periods in Jewish history.
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Our paid plans include unlimited access to 40+ games that keep tens of thousands of Jewish kids worldwide absorbing Torah lessons without even realizing. Game on!
Ahavas Hashem means that we love Hashem to no end and every day we increase that love. In this game, as you're skiing down the slopes make sure to touch the hearts and avoid the obstacles! Focus on the good and avoid the bad and that's how you will level up!
Lots of hungry people have arrived at your Chanukah restaurant! Be sure to serve exactly what they order and keep the place clean, so your customers stay happy and keep coming back.
The time is clicking down, the wheel is spinning, and tzedakah coins are waiting to be released.
So many mitzvos around the Yomim Tovim and also yummy things to eat! In this game you'll meet all of them!
Help King Shlomo grow exotic fruits in Jerusalem by finding the spiritual energy pipes that nourish the world.
Your mother asked that you clean your room, how will you respond? Join the great "Free Will Race" and make sure to always make the right choices!
Help your friend get the snack from the snack machine without getting stuck!
Help the player in the wheelchair overcome the obstacles to achieve his goals! In this game, everyone has the potential to win!
To become successful in all that we do - we need to focus. In this game, you will need to focus all of your energy to go to the next level. Each level is a different area of focus from playing sports to davening and learning Torah, stay focused!
It's Lag B'Omer, and it's time to ignite the bonfire! Can you light the fire while dodging the raindrops?
We all know that music has the power to lift you up to the highest levels. In this game, you need to jump up higher & higher and as you go higher up, enjoy the music and try not to fall!
The pipes aren’t aligned and water is spilling everywhere! Line them up for netilas yadayim.
How well do you know Megilas Esther? This game will test your knowledge of names and places in the Megillah!
There are so many lost objects can you rescue them before they get lost again? Hurry up, there's no time to waste!
There are many challenges and conflicts in the world. It is your job to be the "Peace-Man" and restore shalom/peace in the world. Be careful! There are many obstacles on the way so keep on flying and don't lose your focus!
How many cheesecakes can you eat in this game? How many cheesecakes can you eat on Shavuos?
In this game, you need to stand up for the elderly! The flying heart will remind you to stand up when you're in 4 amos of an elderly person. You've got one shot at this!
As you drive through the Land of Israel, make sure to drive safely and remember to say Tefillas Haderech!
The string of the tzitzis is trapped in the car door, draw a path for the bike to follow the car and protect the tzitzis!
In this game, you will need to match the elements in order to level up in the game!
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