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Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva of Philadelphia
"I'm very impressed with this undertaking...people will find great satisfaction with this should be used to spread the word of Torah"
Rabbi Asher Weiss
Renowned Halachic Authority, Jerusalem
"A game changer...this is what our generation needs, it's harnessing technology to advance the appreciation and love of Torah...Torah Live has my total support"
Rabbi Yissocher Frand
World Renowned Lecturer
"Torah Live will be an eye opening experience for students...I encourage everyone to help Rabbi Roth with this project"
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman
Rosh Yeshiva, Torah V'Daas, Brooklyn
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman
"...professionally done... leaves people with clear halachic rulings in an easy-to-remember manner."
Read Full Letter Here...
Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
"They should introduce this to all the schools and yeshivas"
Rabbi Menachem Genack
CEO and Rabbinic Administrator, OU Kosher
"It really represents the beginning of a revolution in Torah education... "
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
Rabbi Emeritus of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah, Rav of Kehillas Ohr Somayach
“A monumental project deserving our full support... engages children and people of all ages...”
Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz
Senior Lecturer, JLE, London
Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz
"A masterpiece of conciseness presented with unusual graphic beauty. Superb!"
Rabbi Noach Orlowek
World Renowned Educator, Israel
"Torah was given in 70 languages because each student must be taught in the language they best understand. Today, for many people, the visual language provides the ability to show Torah in a way that is alive..."
Read Full Letter Here...
Rabbi Zev Cohen
Adas Yeshurun Shul, Chicago
"Torah Live has tremendous potential to help Klal Yisrael"
Rabbi Dovid Zucker
Rosh Kollel and Rosh Va'ad Hachinuch, Chicago
"Tremendous tool for teaching Torah"
Rabbi Shmuel Irons
Rosh Hakollel, Kollel Institute of Greater Detroit
"I've seen the work of Rabbi Dan Roth, it's opens up a whole new world to learn halacha and hashkafa"
Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Author of Mei Menuchot Series on Tosefot
"Rav Dan Roth made a revolution...I never knew something like this existed"
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
"Torah Live is building connections with future generations...take the opportunity and look into Torah Live and see how important it is for the future of Klal Yisrael"
Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro
Shaaray Tefilah, North Miami Beach
"Torah Live...the excitement, the enthusiasm, the's really beyond!"
Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff
Agudas Israel Beis Binyomin, Flatbush
"Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Agudas Israel Beis Binyomin, talks about restoring excitement for yiddishkeit with today's technology"
Rabbi Yakov Krause
Principal of Toras Emes School, Los Angeles
"...I have to say that children not only retain the information but it becomes very much alive for them as well..."
Rabbi Yaakov Bender
Rosh Yeshiva of Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway
"...This is super special and will have a major impact on the learning world..."
Rabbi Hershel Becker
Young Israel of Kendall, Florida
"Torah Live is both beautiful and brilliant at the same time"
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen
Neveh Yerushalayim
"It's incredibly creative, it speaks the language of this generation"
Rabbi Nissan Kaplan
Mir Yeshiva Jerusalem
"Rabbi Dan Roth brought Torah to a new our generation, every child and adult from all backgrounds needs this"
Rabbi Nosson Muller
Menahel Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago
"I truly believe that Torah Live has the ability to show everyone the beauty of Hashem's Torah "
Rabbi Steve Weil
Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union, New York
"Rabbi Steven Weil, Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union, tells us how Torah Live is being used by the organization"
Rabbi David Ozeri
Rav, Congregation Yad Yosef
"I firmly believe that this material can change thousands of peoples lives"
Rabbi Amram Kuessous
Menahel, Yeshiva Shaarei Torah
" is, available at your fingertips in such beautiful clarity...every single administration should look at this with a serious eye... "
Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz
Director, Torah U'Mesorah, Brooklyn
Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz
"... utilizes cutting edge technology to present authentic Torah concepts in an exciting manner that leaves students enthralled, and thirsting for more..."
Read Full Letter Here...
Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
Rosh Kollel and Posek, Jerusalem
"...exciting, enjoyable and very accurate educational materials that engage the minds of young and old, yeshiva people and beginners alike..."
>Read Full Letter Here...
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski Zatza'l
Lecturer, Author and Therapist, Pittsburg
"Using state of the art technology, Torah Live has made working on the traits necessary for spiritual growth accessible to young and old, in a way that is educationally unprecedented."
Rabbi Zev Leff
Rav of Moshav Matityahu, Israel
“...extremely informative, very enjoyable and halachically sound.”
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt
Rav of Moscow
“We live in a world where the attention span of people has been shortened drastically. I recommend Torah Live for every school, every rabbi, and every youth movement in Europe and outside of Europe.”
Rabbi Mendel Weinbach Z"TL
Rosh Yeshiva, Ohr Samayach, Jerusalem
Rabbi Mendel Weinbach Z"TL
“Torah Live has succeeded in developing a major educational tool that makes important lessons in Torah more inviting for this generation.” Read Full Letter Here...
Rabbi Reuven Tradburks
Director, Rabbinical Council of America Israel Division, Jerusalem
Rabbi Reuven Tradburks
“Rabbi Roth’s educational materials are outstanding... enabling educators to use multi media of the highest caliber to inspire their students... The highest quality I have seen...”
Read Full Letter Here...
Grand Rabbi Yitzchak Korff
Zvhil Mezbuz Rebbe
"Torah Live is a tremendous modern day instrument that will change the ability to be mechanech our children"
Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky
Rosh Yeshiva of Greater Washington
“...This could be really a way for many many children to click in and become fully immersed in Torah learning...”