Purim is a holiday of surprises—where the ordinary flips upside down and the hidden becomes revealed. But what’s really going on beneath the masks and costumes?
What’s more fun than designing your own megillah? This year, Torah Live is offering you a free Purim Coloring Book! Download it today.
Sure, a wedding has beautiful clothes, delicious food, and epic dancing—but what’s it really about?
Tu B’Shvat is like nature’s birthday bash, celebrating the incredible wisdom Hashem placed into creation. And Torah Live has some amazing videos and resources.
Yeshiva Week vacation can be a time for growth and family togetherness, whether you’re staying home or going away.
Come and see how an Aron Hakodesh is designed and built!
Learn all about the power of Purim!
The holiness of the Jewish wedding and the secret to Jewish survival
Discover the beauty of Hashem’s world and the lessons of the “New Year for Trees”!
What does the Torah have to say about animals? Join Rabbi Roth as he travels to a Jewish farm to learn about the Jewish approach to animals!