0/100 Points



Asher Wagshal
Bnei Menashe
Clark Valberg
Brooklyn NY
Cyrielle Mun
Dr. Kira Bacal
New Zealand
Kevin Rodbell
Lev Yaakov Espinoze
New York
Mordechai Ginsparg
Moshe Dahan
Moshe Davis
Noam and Ariel Vizel
Boca Raton
Peshie Needlman
Rabbi Baruch Harris
Rabbi Daniel Coren
Stilerman Family
Tova Brown
Yona Levinson
New York
Yossi Dansky
Zev Gluckman
Bet Shemesh
Zita Weinstein


Adam Aranov
Hillel Community Day School Rochester
AJOP Teacher Training
Batya Markowitz
Michlala, Jerusalem
Chanania Greenberg
Special Ed New York
Dr. Ariella Agatstein
Yavneh, Los Angeles
Eitz Chaim Toronto
Eli Reich
JEC New Jersey
Hillel Harkem
Los Angeles
Jacob Scheer
Conservative School New York
Jonathan Malove
RASG Miami
Jonathan Samuels
Yavneh, Los Angeles
Katz Hilel Boca Students
Megan Rosettenstein
Masada, Australia
Morah Sharel Shulamit New York
Mrs Teitelbaum
Atara High School Cincinnati
Mrs. Rivkah Lichtman
Tomer Devorah Jerusalem
Natalie Williams
YULA Los Angeles
New York
Orot Tzion Efrat
Penina Teitelbaum
Atara Girls High School Cincinnati
Rabbi Aaron Karp
RASG Miami
Rabbi Amram Kueossous
Yeshivat Shaare Torah New York
Rabbi Anthony Manning
Baer Miriam, Jerusalem
Rabbi Ari Bensoussan
YULA Los Angeles
Rabbi Ari Galandauer
RASG Miami
Rabbi Ariel Cohen
Manhattan Day School New York
Rabbi Asher Brander
Los Angeles
Rabbi Avi Mann
Yeshiva Ketana Los Angeles
Rabbi Avinoam Dori
Lauder School Berlin
Rabbi Avraham Robinson
Yeshiva South Shore New York
Rabbi Barak Cohen
Rabbi Benji Simon
Keser Torah Sydney
Rabbi Benmergui
JDOHSS Toronto
Rabbi Berel Leiner
YBH New Jersey
Rabbi Betzalel Schijveschuurder
Menorah Foundation School, London
Rabbi Binyomin Plotzker
Ohr Reuven Monsey
Rabbi Chaim Burman
Hasmonean London
Rabbi Chaim Yachnes
Torah Academy Orlando
Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Yudkowsky
Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem
Rabbi Chayim Nosson Halpern
Etz Chaim Manchester
Rabbi Dani Kunstler
Imrei Binah, Jerusalem
Rabbi David Mahler
Maimonides Los Angeles
Rabbi David Pietruszka
JEC New Jersey
Rabbi David Selengut
Joseph Kushner New Jersey
Rabbi David Sukenik
Joseph Kushner New Jersey
Rabbi Dov Eisenberger
Har Torah New York
Rabbi Dovi Roberts
Etz Chaim Manchester
Rabbi Dovid Chasten
Rabbi Dovid Hayes
RASG Miami
Rabbi Elliott Diamond
Netivot Toronto
Rabbi Evan Wiener
Ohr Chadash Baltimore
Rabbi Ezra Wiener
TABC New Jersey
Rabbi Ilan Feldman
Beth Jacob Atlanta
Rabbi Isser Pliner
Rabbi Levi Druin
Pardes Day School
Rabbi Meyers Cheder
Menachem Los Angeles
Rabbi Michael Fine
Montreal NCSY
Rabbi Michael Vergoda
Rabbi Mordechai Smolarcik
Katz Hillel Day School, Boca Raton
Rabbi Moshe Heigh
Atara Girls High School Cincinnati
Rabbi Potash
New York
Rabbi Reuven Konnick
Rabbi Shimon Zehnwirth
Torah Academy, Buffalo Grove Chicago
Rabbi Shmuel Friedland
Ashar New York
Rabbi Shmuel Fromowitz
Rabbi Shmuel Soroka
Netivot Toronto
Rabbi Simcha Dessler
Rabbi Simcha Frankel
Cheder Menachem Los Angeles
Rabbi Simcha Jay,
Menorah Foundation, London
Rabbi Tzvi Seroka
Rabbi Yakov Krause
Toras Emes Los Angeles
Rabbi Yehoshua Sobel
Lubavitch Educational Centre Miami
Rabbi Yehuda Selingut
Clifton Cheder New Jersey
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Shmuelli
Lubavitch Crown Heights
Rabbi Yitzchok Motechin
Noam, New Jersey
Rabbi Yitzy Robinson
Ohr Reuven Monsey
Rabbi Yosef Rice
Pam Beach
Rabbi Yossi Estersohn
Torah Academy, Orlando
Rabbi Yudi Riesel
NCSY Boston
Shmuel Levi
Yavneh, Los Angeles
Shoshi Nagar
Misrad Hachinuch Jerusalem
Steve Greenberg
HANC Nassau County NY
Toronto Eitz Chaim
United Synagogue Rabbis London
Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan
Yosef Schneck
Drug rehabilitation Los Angeles


Abigail Hakimi
Los Angeles
Ahuva Webster
Akiva Paris
Azi Galbut
Torah Academy, Boca Raton
Bnei Menashe
Dalia, Nancy Ruben
Emanuel Eisenberg
Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan, New York
Palm Beach
Harry Green
Los Angeles
Manhattan Day School, New York
Michael Wasser
Aish HaTorah, Jerusalem
Negar Akhamzadeh
Los Angeles
Sharei Zedek shul
Manhattan Day School 5th grade
Torah Academy Boca Raton
Torah Academy Orlando
Torah Academy, Orlando
Torah Academy Orlando
Temima Feinberg
Bnos Aliya New York
Unaffiliated Jew
Palm Beach, Florida
Yaakov Kimche
Boca Raton
Yeshiva Elementary School Miami
Yosef Hakimi
Los Angeles
Yosef Kuper
Hasmonean, London
“I love learning Torah but I'm not able to devote a lot of time to it because I am in medical school. This is a perfect way for me to learn at my own pace.”
Conner Brown
Louisiana, 3 hours from any orthodox community
“Although my children attend the (only) Jewish day school, it always seems like it's never quite enough and being able to watch these together and discuss crucial Jewish teachings is incredibly valuable. Thank you again!”
Kira Bacal
New Zealand
“The film was amazing, well done and brought to life Lashon Hara and Positivity in such a tangible matter that I know it's impact will last my lifetime iy"h.”
Ahuva Shore
Jerusalem, commenting on the Shmiras Halashon series.
“I work for the largest entertainment company in the world [Disney], and yet my younger kids have not expressed this level of excitement about meeting other talent (well, except for maybe some from Star Wars). After each video, you continue to rise to the top of their list (but, of course, you haven’t surpassed Kobe Bryant, yet).”
Jim Kapenstein
Associate General Counsel, Walt Disney Company, Los Angeles
“Uniquely inspiring… My kids watch them over and over again ...I cannot recommend Torah Live strongly enough!”
Elan Shasha
“My kids all love it. We’ve watched all of them: Tefillin, Happiness… I’m really one of your fans.”
Mrs. Hindy Fuld
“You have accomplished something that has never been done before! Creating captivating and engaging content that is 100% Torah and is serious competition to what the secular world has to offer.”
David Levi
Coral Springs, Florida
“How great to be able to provide such powerful religious content in such a fun way that you can spend an evening watching it with your kids instead of a movie!”
Dr. Benji Schreiber
“I just wanted to say that your shemiras halashon video is incredible. The quality, detail and professionalism are unreal. I honestly believe this is the highest quality Torah video I have ever seen.”
Rabbi Avrohom Zeidman
Senior Educator JGIFT
“Usually when a teacher is out and there is a substitute, that means that there will not be much learning going on that day. Once Torah Live came along that all changed.”
Rabbi Eli Perles
Melvin Berman Hebrew Academy
“Sophisticated subjects are broken down into digestible units with exceptional skill, utilizing the very best in modern technology.”
R' Moshe Heigh
Cincinnati-Atara Girls High School
“Torah Live is a perfect example of taking Torah concepts and bringing them to life in a way that children will be excited and interested in learning.”
Mrs. Ahuvah Heyman
School Director, Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore
“Torah Live communicates with people in a language they understand and enjoy. A visionary and imaginative presentation which engages young people in an exciting and professional way.”
Rabbi Anthony Manning
Baer Miriam
“It is incredible to be able to teach such a complex area of halacha in a way that both beginners and advanced students grasp something on their level. It’s really bringing the greatness of Torah to the community.”
Rabbi Yaakov Vann
Calabasas Shul