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There are 613 mitzvos in the Torah but we are unable to do many of them because we no longer have a Beis Hamikdash. But one of the mitzvos that has to do with the Beis Hamikdash which we still keep is the mitzvah of maintaining the special status of kohanim (priests).

When the Beis Hamikdash Is Rebuilt

We know that when the Beis Hamikdash is rebuilt we will gather every kohen and bring them all to Yerushalayim, dress them in special garments and set them to work bringing the korbanos (sacrifices) and menachos (meal offerings). The kohanim will then fulfill their true potential as the leaders of the Jewish people. The entire Shevet Levi (the tribe of Levi) will teach Torah, with the kohanim at the forefront and the kohen gadol as the greatest Torah leader.

Maintaining Holiness

In the meantime, we maintain the holiness of kohanim by respecting them and showing them honor. The kohanim themselves also have to keep certain laws to maintain their holiness. What are these laws? How do we show our respect to the kohanim? Why do the kohanim bless the nation in birkat kohanim? And why does it all matter so much? Join Rabbi Siddur and a boy called Yossi as they explore what it means to be a kohen and what it means to be friends with one.