Max from London loves Torah Live so much that he sent us this note about how he has learned and grown from interacting with our content.
Torah Live has helped me a lot, and taught me a lot more about different mitzvos and aveiros.
I really love everything, especially the videos, obviously ;). The blog keeps me updated all the time with the latest news. The video courses are great, it teaches me a lot of the Torah. It’s a really great idea that one can learn about good deeds through watching and it makes it really interesting. That’s one of my reasons why Torah Live is so good.
I am so happy that the first episode of Live to Give came out! It’s the best! I’ve never seen anything better! Before Live to Give came out, my favorite video was 'The Lost Light.' The challenges are also amazing, it’s really good that a child could also be able to participate and answer questions. I love the idea that you can earn points and then redeem it for all different mitzvos that people need.
The chat is an amazing thing. One can just pop a message, and will get a reply within minutes. Meir and Yisroel are so helpful and to the point. Thank you so much for all your work and effort, I really appreciate it.
The help centre is another fabulous thing. It says everything you need to know about Torah Live.
Rabbi Roth, I would like to tell you a huge thank you for the amount of time and effort you put into all your work to make Torah Live so exciting and interesting. I love the videos that you jump in the water, when you drown and when you dive and all the other videos with crazy actions. You’re a real sport! Keep it up!
Rabbi Siddur, you are also amazing! You say such nice lessons and funny jokes, of course ☺. Thank you for your time and effort you put into all your work.
Ben Katz, thank you so much for all your hard work especially now making Live to Give. Keep it up!
The 3 main actors and all other actors, a big thank you to all your hard work for all the practicing and time to make Live to Give.
All the editors, speakers, actors, programmers, organisers, computer professionals, and all the many other things that people help with, a huge thank you for all your hard work. Without one of you, there is no Torah Live running properly. Every detail matters. From all the majors to the nitty-gritty things. We can see that by everyone doing their part, it all comes together and makes an extraordinary piece of work!
All readers, I can tell you, that Torah Live is an amazing program, and I’m sure you all know that. You should appreciate all that goes into everything, even a little thing. Keep on enjoying Torah Live.
All the best!
Love Max L., one of Torah Live’s fans
London, UK