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Strengthening Our Soldiers

Jewish Education

Strengthening Our Soldiers

We've all seen how the war in Israel has inspired many IDF soldiers to take on mitzvos – especially tefillin and tzitzis.

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Lipa and Torah Live
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Lipa and Torah Live

On Rabbi Dan Roth's recent trip to New York and New Jersey, he was able to catch up with Lipa Schmeltzer, one of the most famous Jewish singers out there.

by Hadassah Levy on May 19, 2016
Why You Should Tie the Knot
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Why You Should Tie the Knot

Tying your own tzitzis is not complicated once you know how. In this video, we demonstrate how to tie your tzitzis, step-by-step.

by Hadassah Levy on May 16, 2016
Let's Start Talking about Loshon Hara
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Let's Start Talking about Loshon Hara

The first installment of our ten-part series on shmiras halashon is available on the Torah Live website!

by Hadassah Levy on May 02, 2016
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Why is this Moshe different from all other Moshes?
Jewish Education

Why is this Moshe different from all other Moshes?

The traits exhibited by Moshe Rabbeinu - humility, responsibility, resilience and others - made him the right leader to redeem Klal Yisroel.

by Hadassah Levy on Apr 17, 2016
Meet the First Torah Live City!
Jewish EducationEducators

Meet the First Torah Live City!

Dr. Volosov, the first "Torah Live city sponsor," shares his feelings on how this groundbreaking pilot project has proven a phenomenal success.

by Hadassah Levy on Apr 10, 2016