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Strengthening Our Soldiers

Strengthening Our Soldiers

We've all seen how the war in Israel has inspired many IDF soldiers to take on mitzvos – especially tefillin and tzitzis.

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Hands Down, We’ve Got a Winner
Torah Live News

Hands Down, We’ve Got a Winner

Mazel tov to Aliza Belsky from New York for winning this week’s Amazon gift card. Aliza wowed us all with her incredible description of the wonders of the human hand.

by Hadassah Levy on Mar 05, 2023
Matan Torah Almost Didn't Happen
Torah Live News

Matan Torah Almost Didn't Happen

Motti Neumann is this week's Amazon gift card winner, with his insightful Dvar Torah about how am yisrael had to be brought back to life to receive the Torah.

by Hadassah Levy on Feb 21, 2023
Now WE’RE Happy
Torah Live News

Now WE’RE Happy

Mazal tov to Shmully Greenbaum for winning this week's Amazon gift card! Shmully sent us this fun video telling us what makes him happy.

by Hadassah Levy on Feb 15, 2023
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How do you remember?
Torah Live News

How do you remember?

We love the creative way that the Brand siblings remember the bracha for watermelon. How do you remember what bracha to say on which food?

by Hadassah Levy on Feb 07, 2023
Why Are You Happy?
Torah Live News

Why Are You Happy?

Mazel tov to Yisroel Abenson from Montreal who won this week's $18 Amazon gift card with his interview of the six-year-old Mrs. Clean.

by Hadassah Levy on Feb 01, 2023