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Kosher Vids

Guest Contributors
de, ru, en, it, fr, he, es

Torah Live is honored to host an all new guest contributor - Kosher Vids!  

Kosher Vids is the brainchild of R’ Akiva Balsam and the talented film crew from the Mesivta of Waterbury! Their mission? To make Torah and mitzvos come alive through videos that pack in both humor and heart. Each video is a creative journey that blends Torah teachings with relatable, laugh-out-loud moments—keeping viewers entertained and inspired every step of the way. 📽✨

Bein Adam L’Chaveiro

Kosher Vids covers mitzvos bein adam l’chaveiro (between people) such as kibbud av v’eim (honoring parents) and not disturbing others during davening (you’ll laugh at the ridiculous scenarios you may have even experienced).

Bein Adam LaMakom

Rabbi Balsam and his crew also tackle mitzvos bein adam lamakom (between man and Hashem), including netilas yadayim in the morning (neigel vasser), toiveling keilim, checking lettuce for bugs, burying sheimos and the importance of a minyan.


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