Pesach with Torah Live!
Pesach isn’t just about matzah and maror—it’s the the epic story of the origins of the Jewish people. It’s the moment Hashem took us from being a nation of slaves to a nation with a mission. Egypt wasn’t just physical oppression; it was spiritual suffocation, a place where we were stuck serving human masters instead of fulfilling our true purpose. But with miracles, plagues, and a dramatic sea split, Hashem didn’t just free us—He transformed us. Pesach is our annual reminder that we’re not here to be weighed down by worldly chains but to live with meaning, purpose, and a connection to something infinitely greater. It's not just about where we left—it’s about where we’re headed.
Halachos of Pesach
Rabbi Roth and Rabbi Siddur have joined forces in these videos to answer some of your most burning questions (pun intended!) about the halachos of Pesach.
How do we search for Chametz?
How can I kasher silverware for Pesach?
What should I do on Erev Pesach?
Why do we drink four cups of wine?
What elements are needed for the Seder and what do they symbolize?
Be Prepared for Pesach
This course ensures you will be fully prepared for Pesach, from ridding your home of chametz to understanding the Seder, the most educational evening of the year. You’ll gain a new understanding of the significance of yetzias mitzrayim (the exodus from Egypt) and the concept of freedom. And don’t forget to take our trivia quizzes to test your knowledge!