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Strengthening Our Soldiers

Strengthening Our Soldiers

We've all seen how the war in Israel has inspired many IDF soldiers to take on mitzvos – especially tefillin and tzitzis.

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Rabbi Siddur Comes Home
Torah Live News

Rabbi Siddur Comes Home

The beloved larger-than-life personality Rabbi Siddur has been a Torah Live superstar since he first popped out of a 100-year-old prayer book on the set of Emunah and Tefillah five years ago.

by Sharon Katz on Dec 14, 2022
Parshas Vayetzei: Who Said Tefilas Haderech First?
Jewish Education

Parshas Vayetzei: Who Said Tefilas Haderech First?

Now here’s a question you don’t hear often: Who was the first person in history to say Tefilas Haderech? 

by Hadassah Levy on Nov 30, 2022
Inspiration for the Nation
Torah Live News

Inspiration for the Nation

Rabbi Roth sat down with Yaakov Langer to discuss where the idea for Torah Live came from, the challenges of creating videos for a wide audience and where Torah Live is going next.

by Hadassah Levy on Nov 29, 2022
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Sigd, the Power of Tefillah and Prophecies Revealed
Jewish Education

Sigd, the Power of Tefillah and Prophecies Revealed

Sigd is a day to celebrate the rich roots of Ethiopian Jewry and the power of tefillah to make prophecies come true.

by Hadassah Levy on Nov 20, 2022
Your Printable Asher Yatzar Poster

Your Printable Asher Yatzar Poster

Download this printable Asher Yatzar poster and print it out to hang outside the bathrooms in your house. That way your entire family can take the opportunity to say the bracha slowly, clearly and with kavanah.

by Hadassah Levy on Nov 14, 2022