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New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

Purim is a holiday of surprises—where the ordinary flips upside down and the hidden becomes revealed. But what’s really going on beneath the masks and costumes?

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Brachos on Exotic Fruit - A Tu B'Shvat Poster
Jewish Education

Brachos on Exotic Fruit - A Tu B'Shvat Poster

In honor of Tu B’Shvat, we’re bringing back our poster of the Exotic Fruits of Israel, which includes descriptions and brachos for some of the strangest looking fruits around.

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 25, 2023
The Tefillah Chart for Your Kids

The Tefillah Chart for Your Kids

In today’s fast-paced world, parents are always looking for ways to connect their kids to Torah and mitzvos. The Tefillah chart is a tool that can help you get your kids excited about davening.

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 24, 2023
Reframe It
Torah Live News

Reframe It

Mazel to to Chaim Rapoport from the UK, who won an $18 Amazon gift card for his creative video on how to reframe a disappointing situation.

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 17, 2023
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Torah Live Comes to Antwerp
Torah Live News

Torah Live Comes to Antwerp

Watch how Torah Live was received in Antwerp by educators at schools ranging from secular to yeshivish and everything in between.

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 15, 2023
The Ultimate Brachos Quiz
Jewish Education

The Ultimate Brachos Quiz

Think you know everything there is to know about brachos? Take this quiz and find out if you're right!

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 15, 2023