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New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

Purim is a holiday of surprises—where the ordinary flips upside down and the hidden becomes revealed. But what’s really going on beneath the masks and costumes?

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Getting Ready for the Yomim Noraim with Torah Live!
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Getting Ready for the Yomim Noraim with Torah Live!

Elul is here! So much to do in so little time! If you’re looking for meaningful programming for your students, you’ve come to the right address.

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 18, 2016
Another Torah Live City?!
Jewish Education

Another Torah Live City?!

The Jewish community of Chicago has warmly embraced Torah Live! Torah Live will soon be starring in classrooms throughout the city.

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 13, 2016
Over 250 Schools Across the Globe
Jewish EducationEducators

Over 250 Schools Across the Globe

We’re revolutionizing chinuch one school at a time - and now over 250 schools and over 500 educators in 122 different cities have enjoyed Torah Live.

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 06, 2016
Torah Live
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Engaging, enriching kosher videos
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Can I Base a Halacha Curriculum on Torah Live?
Jewish Education

Can I Base a Halacha Curriculum on Torah Live?

Can you base a halacha curriculum on Torah Live? The simple answer to that question is YES!

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 23, 2016
Jewish EducationTorah Live News


Imagine that you could learn the laws of shmiras halashon in a totally different way. Imagine that you could see it played out in front of your eyes...

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 10, 2016