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Smartphones and Technology

Jewish Education

Smartphones and Technology

As someone who spends his life using technology to teach Torah, the topic of Torah and technology is one very close to my heart.

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What Parents Are Saying about Torah Live
Jewish EducationParents

What Parents Are Saying about Torah Live

Kids love Torah Live and so do educators, but what are parents saying? We’ve gathered 4 of our favorite comments from parents.

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 07, 2017
From Miami to Israel: Teens Love Torah Live!
Jewish Education

From Miami to Israel: Teens Love Torah Live!

This presentation was especially unique as one of the Kollel participants had been using Torah Live throughout the school year.

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 21, 2017
Stay Healthy with Torah Live
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Stay Healthy with Torah Live

We recently discovered that the Yeled v’Yalda Fitness Center in Boro Park has included Torah Live in its library of entertainment options.

by Hadassah Levy on Jul 20, 2017
Torah Live
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and enjoy some Torah Live videos — FREE
Engaging, enriching kosher videos
Relevant and relatable courses for today’s kids
100% guilt-free screen time (buh-bye, Minecraft)
Behind the Scenes of the Lashon Hara Train
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Behind the Scenes of the Lashon Hara Train

A crowded train. Hours in transit. Loud, chatty and even annoying passengers. All these elements created a train ride ripe for a lashon hara outbreak.

by Hadassah Levy on Jul 13, 2017
NEW RELEASE: Can You Bring Back the Light?
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

NEW RELEASE: Can You Bring Back the Light?

We believe that the best way to promote love between Jews is to teach about the dangers of loshon hara in a thought-provoking and engaging manner.

by Hadassah Levy on Jul 06, 2017