A Week of Holiness
This week, we read Parshas Kedoshim. Here's a list of Torah Live series relating to commandments mentioned in the parsha.
This week, we read Parshas Kedoshim. Here's a list of Torah Live series relating to commandments mentioned in the parsha.
This might involve a slight bias, but we love what the Memphis Kollel started doing Sunday mornings. They use Torah Live’s resources as the base of their weekly program. It makes perfect sense, actually.
Adam Aranov tells us how Torah Live gave him the opportunity to show his unaffiliated students the beauty of Torah.
Watch Rabbi Ari Bensasoussan, rebbe at YULA, talk about how Torah Live has transformed his home and his teaching.
Congratulations, you’ve just made one of your best decisions as a teacher or parent of Jewish children. To understand why this is so clearly true, let’s unpack some of the best use cases for our platform.