Activities for Yeshiva Week Vacation
Yeshiva Week vacation can be a time for growth and family togetherness, whether you’re staying home or going away.
Yeshiva Week vacation can be a time for growth and family togetherness, whether you’re staying home or going away.
We’ve got at least four meals on Rosh Hashanah, and we all want our kids to participate in the Torah that’s shared at the table. Here are some short Divrei Torah for kids to present at the Yom Tov meals.
This week, we read Parshas Kedoshim. Here's a list of Torah Live series relating to commandments mentioned in the parsha.
What are your children playing? Are they mindlessly clicking the mouse on meaningless games or are they internalizing Jewish values while having fun?
You want to protect your kids from all the bad news about the war in Israel, but information trickles in anyway. You want to explain it in an age-appropriate way, but it’s hard to know how to do that.