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Strengthening Our Soldiers

Jewish Education

Strengthening Our Soldiers

We've all seen how the war in Israel has inspired many IDF soldiers to take on mitzvos – especially tefillin and tzitzis.

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Can I Base a Halacha Curriculum on Torah Live?
Jewish Education

Can I Base a Halacha Curriculum on Torah Live?

Can you base a halacha curriculum on Torah Live? The simple answer to that question is YES!

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 23, 2016
Jewish EducationTorah Live News


Imagine that you could learn the laws of shmiras halashon in a totally different way. Imagine that you could see it played out in front of your eyes...

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 10, 2016
Prayer of the Chofetz Chaim - Free Download!
Jewish EducationParents

Prayer of the Chofetz Chaim - Free Download!

Download the prayer for shmirat halashon which was composed by the Chofetz Chaim. This lashon hara tefillah is provided in Hebrew and in English.

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 08, 2016
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Behind the Scenes 2
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Behind the Scenes 2

by Dan Roth on Aug 02, 2016
Pokémon Go and Torah
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Pokémon Go and Torah

What do Pokémon Go and the Torah have in common? At first glance, nothing.

by Dan Roth on Jul 20, 2016