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Strengthening Our Soldiers

Jewish Education

Strengthening Our Soldiers

We've all seen how the war in Israel has inspired many IDF soldiers to take on mitzvos – especially tefillin and tzitzis.

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Super Bowl 50 and True Leadership
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Super Bowl 50 and True Leadership

Hundreds of millions of people will be tuning into Super Bowl 50 and looking up to athletes, who exhibit strength, resilience and cooperation.

by Hadassah Levy on Feb 04, 2016
OU's Rabbi Weil on Torah Live
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

OU's Rabbi Weil on Torah Live

by Hadassah Levy on Feb 01, 2016
Teachers Reveal How They Use Torah Live
Jewish EducationEducators

Teachers Reveal How They Use Torah Live

We follow your updates and progress and are so impressed with all that you've achieved. We have built a beautiful unit around your Maaser program.

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 31, 2016
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How to Celebrate Tu B’Shvat in the Snow
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

How to Celebrate Tu B’Shvat in the Snow

Being out of touch with nature makes it harder to know which bracha to say and also makes it harder to make a bracha with real feeling.

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 25, 2016
A Sneak Peek behind the Scenes
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

A Sneak Peek behind the Scenes

Our actors arrived, psyched up for the trip ahead, and eager to learn about Netilas Yadayim.

by Hadassah Levy on Jan 24, 2016