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Strengthening Our Soldiers

Strengthening Our Soldiers

We've all seen how the war in Israel has inspired many IDF soldiers to take on mitzvos – especially tefillin and tzitzis.

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Lasting Impact
Jewish EducationParents

Lasting Impact

Torah Live helps us deepen our connection to Torah and mitzvos and increases our Jewish knowledge. Even 4 year olds can learn and internalize the messages!

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 08, 2020
No Shul This Rosh Hashanah? Torah Live to the Rescue!
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

No Shul This Rosh Hashanah? Torah Live to the Rescue!

How to buy a shofar, how to prepare for blowing, what to think about while you're blowing and how to avoid the most common mistakes.

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 02, 2020
Behind the Scenes with Professor Krumblycorn
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Behind the Scenes with Professor Krumblycorn

How did Rabbi Orlofsky get involved in Torah Live? How did he become the animated Professor Krumblycorn? And what happens when he is recognized?

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 12, 2020
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Even Deep Topics Can Be Fun
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Even Deep Topics Can Be Fun

Here at Torah Live, we believe that Torah needs to be taught in a way that is fun and engaging, even when dealing with serious subjects.

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 06, 2020
How Do You Deal with Challenges?
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

How Do You Deal with Challenges?

We all have our strategies for dealing with negative experiences and using them to grow and improve. Share your strategies below!

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 05, 2020