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Rosh Hashanah Torah for Kids


Rosh Hashanah Torah for Kids

We’ve got at least four meals on Rosh Hashanah, and we all want our kids to participate in the Torah that’s shared at the table. Here are some short Divrei Torah for kids to present at the Yom Tov meals.

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How Perceptive Are You?
Jewish EducationParents

How Perceptive Are You?

Do you notice the little details in Torah Live videos? We challenge you to answer some really specific questions about the Emunah and Tefillah series.

by Hadassah Levy on Apr 13, 2021
Spot that Location
Jewish EducationParents

Spot that Location

Test your knowledge of Israeli geography with this fun quiz! We've chosen 10 locations in Israel where Torah Live has filmed and we challenge you to identify them all!

by Hadassah Levy on Apr 08, 2021
Lasting Impact
Jewish EducationParents

Lasting Impact

Torah Live helps us deepen our connection to Torah and mitzvos and increases our Jewish knowledge. Even 4 year olds can learn and internalize the messages!

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 08, 2020
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The Video Every Parent Has Been Waiting For!
Jewish EducationParents

The Video Every Parent Has Been Waiting For!

Introducing our super-funny, eminently practical, latest Rabbi Siddur film on the subject of Honoring Parents, with real-life examples you can relate to.

by Hadassah Levy on Jun 29, 2020
Learn about Talmud Torah with Your Kids
Jewish EducationParents

Learn about Talmud Torah with Your Kids

Download our Talmud Torah source sheet for learning with your children on Shavuos. Unfortunately, the usual learning programs aren't taking place this year, but a parent-child chavrusa is meaningful and special.

by Hadassah Levy on May 18, 2020