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New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

Purim is a holiday of surprises—where the ordinary flips upside down and the hidden becomes revealed. But what’s really going on beneath the masks and costumes?

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Recreating the Golan
Torah Live News

Recreating the Golan

For our upcoming feature, “Live to Give,” an exciting film that teaches chesed on a totally new level, we needed to shoot a scene in the Golan. No problem for us. We’ve been to the Kinneret, and the Golan is only a bit farther. But we had an added challenge.

by Sharon Katz on Sep 06, 2022
Why Say Tefilas HaDerech?
Jewish Education

Why Say Tefilas HaDerech?

Tefilas HaDerech is recited before taking a trip outside the city limits. In this tefillah, we ask Hashem to protect us from the perils of travel.

by Hadassah Levy on Sep 06, 2022
There's a Bracha for Everything! The Blessing of Asher Yatzar
Jewish Education

There's a Bracha for Everything! The Blessing of Asher Yatzar

We tend to think that brachos are for holy things, like mitzvos, or for the more obvious blessings in our lives like the food we eat. And yet...

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 31, 2022
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Jewish Kids Take on Elul

Jewish Kids Take on Elul

The month of Elul is the perfect opportunity to brush up on important concepts like middos, tefillah and shofar. Torah Live provides Jewish kids with an in-depth and entertaining way to do just that.

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 25, 2022
Parshas Ekev: Serving Hashem through Tefillah
Jewish Education

Parshas Ekev: Serving Hashem through Tefillah

This week’s parsha, Ekev, includes the second paragraph of shema, vehaya im shamoa, which is the source of the mitzvah of tefillah according to the Rambam.

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 18, 2022