Live to Give - The Inspiration behind the Chesed Film
What can we do today to engage kids? To get them interested, to get them excited about life? To wake up in the morning energized, happy to live and breathe and be alive?
What can we do today to engage kids? To get them interested, to get them excited about life? To wake up in the morning energized, happy to live and breathe and be alive?
Rabbi Ari Karp of RASG in Miami loves the new Torah Live, especially the ability for kids to apply what they are learning in the real world. Check out the clip where he talks about why this matters.
I’ve worked with children and pets of all kinds (trained dogs, untrained rabbits, even snails), but now, for the first time I’ve worked with a doll.
Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, president of Torah Live, talks about why it's permitted and recommended to use some of your maaser funds to pay for a Torah Live subscription.
Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky (temporarily not in the role of Rabbi Siddur) sat down to talk to Rabbi Dan Roth about entertaining your kids on chol hamoed, the use of internet for Torah purposes and what's so great about Torah Live 2.0.