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New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

New Purim Videos from Torah Live!

Purim is a holiday of surprises—where the ordinary flips upside down and the hidden becomes revealed. But what’s really going on beneath the masks and costumes?

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Behind the Scenes of the Lashon Hara Train
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Behind the Scenes of the Lashon Hara Train

A crowded train. Hours in transit. Loud, chatty and even annoying passengers. All these elements created a train ride ripe for a lashon hara outbreak.

by Hadassah Levy on Jul 13, 2017
NEW RELEASE: Can You Bring Back the Light?
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

NEW RELEASE: Can You Bring Back the Light?

We believe that the best way to promote love between Jews is to teach about the dangers of loshon hara in a thought-provoking and engaging manner.

by Hadassah Levy on Jul 06, 2017
Eiffel Torah
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Eiffel Torah

Rabbi Dan Roth went on a mission to Paris, to embark on a challenge with huge consequences for Torah Live. What does this have to do with Parshas Chukas?

by Hadassah Levy on Jun 29, 2017
Torah Live
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How to Teach and Inspire Distracted Kids
Jewish EducationEducators

How to Teach and Inspire Distracted Kids

Those last few weeks of school can be challenging! When you tell your students you’ll be showing them a Torah Live video,their eyes will shine.

by Hadassah Levy on May 25, 2017
Welcome to Adventure!
Jewish Education

Welcome to Adventure!

We took over an entire train car and filmed continuously and inconspicuously from Jerusalem to Herzliya and back several times.

by Sharon Katz on May 15, 2017