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Strengthening Our Soldiers

Jewish Education

Strengthening Our Soldiers

We've all seen how the war in Israel has inspired many IDF soldiers to take on mitzvos – especially tefillin and tzitzis.

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Shatnez Week
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Shatnez Week

Until about 70 years ago, Shatnez was an almost forgotten mitzvah, until one man, with single-minded determination, brought it back to life.

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 23, 2018
How Torah Live Forever Changed the Life of One Man
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

How Torah Live Forever Changed the Life of One Man

Our goal at Torah Live is to spread the love of Torah and commitment to mitzvos. So it’s gratifying to hear from people how it has impacted their lives.

by Dan Roth on Aug 09, 2018
Making Torah Learning New, Fresh and Exciting
Jewish EducationEducators

Making Torah Learning New, Fresh and Exciting

Our students do not respond to our old teaching methods. If we do not capture their interest innovatively, we will lose them entirely!

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 05, 2018
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A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

by Hadassah Levy on Aug 02, 2018
Dairy, Pareve and Meat - Oh My!
Jewish EducationTorah Live News

Dairy, Pareve and Meat - Oh My!

We’re thrilled to announce 9 new videos in our Kosher series, featuring renowned Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky as Torah Live’s favorite Professor Krumblycorn!

by Hadassah Levy on Jul 19, 2018