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The Shmuppets

Join Rabbi Meyers and his cast of puppets to learn about concepts such as gratitude, teshuvah, kindness and Pesach.

Torah Concepts for Young Children

Young children will learn about Torah concepts such as gratitude, appreciation of nature, kindness and teshuvah. Rabbi Meyers and his puppets ensure that these messages are remembered and internalized.

Pesach Videos for Little Kids

The Shmuppets bring you a series of Pesach videos for little kids, using puppets to help kids understand concepts like freedom, Dayeinu and the geulah. Rabbi Meyers and his cast of characters prepare children for the seder and instill pride in their Jewish identity.

Rabbi Ron-Ami Meyers has been involved in Jewish education and outreach for three decades.

Currently serving as Dean of Meorot Yerushalayim Seminary, Rabbi Meyers has years of experience teaching students of all ages, most recently concluding an online position teaching Grades 3-6 at Masada College in Sydney Australia.

Over the past eight years, he has rekindled his childhood love of puppets and the art of ventriloquism, often using the puppets in the context of his online classes with Jewish children around the world. His dream: To build a curriculum for Jewish day schools using short puppet videos as the basis of Judaic Studies teachers' lesson plans.

"The Shmuppets" are proud to be featured on Torah Live!